Balance Foot & Ankle - What to Expect During Your First Appointment at Balance Foot & Ankle

Video: What to Expect During Your First Appointment at Balance Foot & Ankle

Video: What to Expect During Your First Appointment at Balance Foot & Ankle

From your very first appointment and beyond, Balance Foot & Ankle is committed to providing compassionate and excellent care for your foot and ankle health. In this video, our Director of Employee Relations & Patient Experience, Hayley Campbell; and our Director of Operations, Jennifer Garretson take us through what you can expect during your first appointment with us.


Let us restore your balance.

If you notice the discomfort in your heels persisting, our trusted team of podiatrists at Balance Foot & Ankle can work with you to alleviate the pain by customizing a treatment plan to your lifestyle.

Schedule your appointment today!

Balance Foot & Ankle - 7 Toe Tips

How to Know When It's Time to Visit Balance Foot & Ankle

How to Know When It’s Time to Visit Balance Foot & Ankle

Our feet often bear the brunt of our daily activities, allowing us to walk, run, and engage in various physical pursuits. However, we often tend to overlook their importance until pain or discomfort starts to hinder our mobility. When foot and ankle issues arise, knowing when to seek professional help from a podiatrist becomes crucial – but how do you know when it’s the right time? Let’s explore a few signs that it’s time to give us a visit. 


Persistent Foot Pain

If you are experiencing persistent foot pain that lasts for more than a few days or intensifies over time, it’s a clear sign that you should schedule an appointment with us.. Foot pain can stem from a variety of ailements, like sprains, fractures, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or even structural abnormalities. At Balance Foot & Ankle, our team of skilled podiatrists will assess your condition, diagnose the root cause, and develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate your discomfort.


Sports Injuries

For athletes and active individuals, foot and ankle injuries can be frustrating and potentially detrimental to their performance. Sprains, strains, stress fractures, and other sports-related injuries should not be ignored. Seeking the specialized care of Balance Foot & Ankle can aid in the swift and effective recovery, ensuring you get back to your favorite activities as soon as possible.



Persistent infections, such as athlete’s foot or toenail fungus, can be persistent and challenging to eliminate. If you notice itching, burning, cracking, or discoloration of the skin or nails, it’s advisable to consult a podiatrist. Balance Foot & Ankle offers comprehensive treatment options to combat fungal infections, including topical medications, oral medications, laser therapy, and preventive measures to minimize the risk of recurrence.


Ankle Sprains and Strains

Ankle sprains and strains are common injuries that can occur during physical activities or accidents. If you experience swelling, bruising, pain, instability, or difficulty bearing weight on the affected ankle, it’s crucial to seek professional care. The podiatrists at Balance Foot & Ankle are well-versed in assessing and treating ankle injuries, providing you with the necessary guidance, support, and rehabilitation exercises for a speedy recovery.


Our feet are the foundation of our mobility and well-being, and any discomfort or pain can significantly impact our daily lives. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for professional help is essential for maintaining healthy and pain-free feet. Balance Foot & Ankle is dedicated to providing exceptional podiatric care, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatment for your foot and ankle conditions. Don’t let foot problems hold you back—schedule an appointment with Balance Foot & Ankle today and take the first step towards healthier, happier feet.

Balance Foot & Ankle - Ask a Podiatrist

Video: Ask a Podiatrist with Dr. Prezioso and Dr. Hastings

Ask a Podiatrist with Dr. Jennifer Prezioso and Dr. Charles Hastings

You asked, we answered! Watch Balance Foot and Ankle specialists Dr. Jennifer Prezioso and Dr. Charles Hastings react and respond to some of the Internet’s most interesting podiatry questions. Have a burning question? Don’t hesitate to give us a call or schedule an appointment.

Balance Foot & Ankle - Ask a Podiatrist

Video: Ask a Podiatrist with Dr. Charles Hastings

Ask a Podiatrist with Dr. Hastings

Ever wondered about the things people ask Podiatrists on the Internet? Join Balance Foot & Ankle specialist, Dr. Charles Hastings DPM, FACFAS, FFPM RCPS (Glasg) on an expedition to answer the Internet’s burning questions about all things foot and ankle health!

Let us restore your balance.

If you notice the discomfort in your heels persisting, our trusted team of podiatrists at Balance Foot & Ankle can work with you to alleviate the pain by customizing a treatment plan to your lifestyle.

Schedule your appointment today!

Balance Foot & Ankle - Yoga for Foot & Ankle Strength

Stabilize Your Step: Yoga for Foot & Ankle Strength

Stabilize Your Step: Yoga for Foot & Ankle Strength

Yoga is a practice that has been used for centuries to improve flexibility, mental clarity, and overall awareness of the body. In the field of podiatry, we often recommend yoga stretches to help improve the strength and stability of our feet and ankles. Our feet are the foundation of our body, support our weight throughout the day, and provide balance and stability. However, due to inactivity, improper footwear, or injuries, our feet and ankles may become weak, leading to pain, discomfort, and instability. 

We’ve outlined a few simple poses you can practice to enhance your stability, and hopefully, help you relax and restore.

The Balanced Solution

Mountain Pose 

Mountain pose is excellent for improving posture and grounding the body. It helps to strengthen the feet, ankles, and legs while improving balance and stability: 

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart
  2. Keep your weight evenly distributed on both feet
  3. Engage your leg muscles and lift your kneecaps
  4. Lengthen your spine and keep your shoulders relaxed
  5. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute


Warrior III 

Warrior III is a powerful pose that strengthens the legs, hips, and ankles: 

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart
  2. Shift your weight to your left foot and lift your right leg off the ground
  3. Extend your right leg behind you while keeping your hips square
  4. Reach your arms forward and keep them parallel to the ground
  5. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute and repeat on the other side

Tree Pose 

Tree pose is an excellent pose for improving stability. It strengthens the feet, ankles, and legs while improving focus and concentration: 

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart
  2. Place your right foot on your left inner thigh
  3. Press your foot into your thigh and your thigh into your foot
  4. Bring your hands to your heart center or raise them above your head
  5. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute and repeat on the other side

Half Moon Pose 

Half Moon pose is a pose that helps to stretch the vertebral column while engaging the ankles and legs: 

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart
  2. Shift your weight to your left foot and place your left hand on the ground
  3. Lift your right leg off the ground and extend it behind you
  4. Rotate your right hip open and stack your right foot on top of your left foot
  5. Raise your right arm toward the sky
  6. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute and repeat on the other side

Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-facing dog is a pose that strengthens the feet, ankles, and wrists while improving flexibility and balance:

  1. Start on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-width apart
  2. Lift your hips up and back, straightening your arms and legs
  3. Press your hands and feet into the ground
  4. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute

Practicing and incorporating these poses into your regular exercise routine can help prevent injuries, alleviate pain and discomfort, and enhance overall well-being. Remember to practice these poses mindfully and with compassion, listening to your body’s limitations and adjusting accordingly. If you need extra help restoring your balance or stabilizing your step, we’re here for you. Don’t hesitate to give us a call or schedule an appointment today at any of our five locations. 

Balance Foot & Ankle - Beach Ready Feet

Mending Dry Skin: Tips & Tricks

Mending Dry Skin: Tips & Tricks

Mending Dry Skin this Winter

We all deal with dry skin from time to time, especially during these chilly winter months, and while it’s a common ailment it’s also one that can cause discomfort. Often times we overlook dryness in the feet, but we owe it to ourselves to understand the cause and take measures to remedy & prevent it. 

Causes for Dry Skin

Rough, cracked, and flaky skin on the feet can cause irritation and tenderness but why does this occur? Certain medical conditions like eczema and athlete’s foot can cause dryness and should be remedied using specialized prescribed or over-the-counter lotions. Cold weather, aging, and poor self-care like improper cleaning or footwear can also be common causes of dry skin. While dryness can be a nuisance, we recommend a few simple steps to repair the skin and minimize dryness from reoccurring.

The Balanced Solution

  1. Indulge in a foot soak: Need a self-care night? Using a foot soak with warm water and Epsom salt is not only a great way to unwind, but to soften rough skin as well. Once your skin is softened, use a pumice or foot scrub to gently remove dead skin cells from the soles of your feet. Make sure to heal any cuts or cracks before attempting to exfoliate. 
  2. Moisturize: Once you’ve exfoliated, massage a rich, preferably oil-based moisturizer into your feet. Try applying foot lotion or cream before bed and wear a cozy pair of socks to lock in moisture and ensure that your feet stay soft and smooth. 
  3. Protect your feet: Your feet need to breathe! When overworn, constricting footwear can quickly lead to dryness. Try to wear comfortable shoes that are made of breathable materials like leather, mesh, or canvas. 
  4. Stay hydrated: If we’re dehydrated, chances are our skin is too! Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure proper hydration in the skin and to prevent chronic dryness in the future.

Once you’ve taken steps to heal your feet, be sure to routinely care for them to prevent dryness from returning. Some preventative measures include wearing socks regularly to protect your feet, avoiding hot water that can strip your skin of natural oils, and using foot care products. If you’re unsure where to find quality foot care products, take a look at some of the premium products that we have to offer in our shop.  

 It may take some consistency and effort, but following these steps will help get your feet feeling and looking their best. If dry or cracked skin becomes a repeated issue, even after self-care and prevention, don’t hesitate to give us a call or schedule an appointment.  

Balance Foot & Ankle

Ankle Care Tips for the Fall Sports Season

Ankle Care Tips for the Fall Sports Season

One of the best parts of this time of year for many students is the return of fall sports. Whether it’s playing football under the Friday night lights, racing on the cross-country course, or taking the field for a soccer match, there’s no shortage of opportunities for competition, self-improvement, and team bonding.

Student-athletes know as well as anyone how important staying healthy is for making the most of their participation in fall sports. In order to stay healthy and on the field this fall and beyond, let’s take a look at some of the best ways to keep your ankles strong.

Ankle sprains

Sprains are among the most common injury that sidelines student-athletes. A 2020 study found that ankle sprains account for up to 40 percent of all sports-related injuries and is the most frequent lower-limb injury.

An ankle sprain occurs when you land awkwardly or take contact to the ankle, causing a roll or twist that leads to a tear or stretch of the ankle-supporting ligaments (beyond its normal range of motion). Pain, tenderness, bruising, and a limited range of motion are the top symptoms associated with an ankle sprain.

When you fear a sprain has occurred, it’s important to stop playing to prevent a more serious injury. Self-care options that are recommended include rest, icing of the affected area, elevation of the affected area, or use of a compression wrap to reduce swelling. If treated early, athletes can often have a swift recovery without seeing a doctor.

Playing through the initial symptoms of a sprain will increase the chances it becomes a more serious injury that will require medical attention and a longer recovery period.

Staying on the field

We know that ankle injuries are prevalent among all athletes. So, what can we do to prevent them?

  • Proper warm-up: Before participating in physical activity, whether it’s practice or a game, a thorough warm-up routine is critical. Spend at least 15 minutes doing light movement that gradually raises the heart rate. This could involve a progression of light jogging to faster running and plyometric exercises that prepare the entire body for more intense physical activity
  • Appropriate footwear: Don’t overlook the importance of wearing the right pair of shoes. Make sure your shoes are well fitting, designed for the sport you’re playing, and replace them when they start to wear down
  • Build strength and flexibility: This is a long-term commitment that will pay dividends. By regularly incorporating strength exercises that target the lower extremities, you’ll be a more resilient athlete and can better handle the wear and tear that comes with competition. Calf raises, resistance work with a band, and balance exercises are some simple ways to strengthen the feet and ankles.

Injuries happen to the best of us. Even athletes who take all the right precautions aren’t totally immune from being sidelined. If you’re dealing with an issue right now, our team is here to get you back in the game. Reach out today or schedule an appointment with us!

Balance Foot & Ankle

Summer Foot Care on Vacation

Summer Foot Care on Vacation

Summer is just around the corner, and that might mean you’re getting ready for your next vacation to the beach or another bucket-list destination. Many vacationers neglect to properly take care of their feet. Don’t let pain and discomfort get in the way of enjoying your sunny vacation.


Here is a list of tips for keeping your feet happy when traveling:

  • Choose the right shoes and bring multiple pairs
    When planning your vacation, understand the types of activities you’ll be doing. Will you be walking a lot? What kind of terrain will you be on? Consider these questions as you pack. It’s also important to have multiple pairs to rotate. You may be trying to pack lightly, but having a second or third pair on hand will ensure you always have a fresh pair ready to go.


  • Keep blisters away
    Everyone knows the feeling of an emerging “hot spot” on our feet when we don’t have proper socks or footwear on. Don’t let something preventable like a blister ruin your trip. On top of wearing clean and quality socks and shoes, consider using a blister prevention cream or tape before spending long periods of time on your feet. There are many affordable and effective travel-size products available, such as Body Glide or RockTape.


  • Don’t forget sunscreen
    In addition to preventing blisters from chafing, sunburn can be another source of serious discomfort. If you’re wearing sandals or open-toed shoes when the sun is out, be sure to apply sunscreen to the exposed parts of your feet and toes. It’s easy to forget to apply protection to these areas, yet your feet are one of the more vulnerable places for sunburn when exposed.


  • Keep the blood flowing
    If you have a long plane ride or drive to your destination, compression socks are one good way to promote good blood flow while being sedentary. Your feet and lower legs will thank you if you break up long periods of sitting with short walks, which is another way to keep a healthy blood flow and prevent discomfort. It’s also recommended to avoid crossing your legs while sitting.


The importance of happy feet can be overlooked when planning for your summer vacation. You deserve a fun and relaxing vacation, so be sure to take these easy steps to prevent pain and discomfort while traveling. If you return home from vacation with skin or nail issues around your feet, learn more about how our team of professionals can get you the relief you need.

Balance Foot & Ankle - Stretches to Prevent Common Running Injuries

Video: Stretches to Prevent Common Running Injuries

Video: Stretches to Prevent Common Running Injuries

Although running is a great way to stay active, many runners will deal with an injury at some point. The repetitive impact of this type of exercise can take a toll on your body, which can result in various injuries.

Let us restore your balance.

Thankfully, Balance Foot & Ankle’s Dr. Hunstman is here to give you some insight into common running injuries and how you can prevent them. In the case that professional intervention is required, our trusted team of podiatrists can help get you back on your feet with a personalized treatment plan that emphasizes a holistic approach to total wellbeing.


Schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment today!

Balance Foot & Ankle

Four Ankle Strengthening Movements You Can Do at Home

Four Ankle Strengthening Movements You Can Do at Home

It’s no secret that our ankles play an essential role in every step we take, our ability to stay upright, and in performing almost every other physical function on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many people have weak ankles, which can often lead to injuries and chronic pain. Age, weight, footwear, overuse, trauma, and other conditions cause ankle problems. The good news is that we can take control of the health of our ankles by working to make them stronger.

Here is a list of simple, at-home exercises that will lead to healthy and strong ankles.

Movements to Strengthen Your Ankles

Before doing any exercises, make sure to warm up with a low-intensity activity such as walking or riding a stationary bike for a few minutes.

  • Improve balance: Standing upright, slightly lift your left leg off the ground, shifting weight-bearing to your right leg. Hold for a few seconds and then switch legs. As you
    improve, increase the amount of time you balance on each leg.
  • Increase range of motion: while seated, use your foot to write out the letters of the alphabet, leading with the big toe. Keep the movements small so that you are just
    moving your foot and ankle and perform with each foot.
  • Build strength: place 20 marbles (or another small item) on the floor in front of you while seated. Use your toes to pick up and place one marble at a time into a bowl. Repeat with the other foot. A
    similar exercise can be performed with a towel. Placing it in front of your feet while seated, grab the center of the towel with your toes and scrunch it towards you. Repeat
    with the other foot.
  • Step it up a level: once you’re comfortable with the above exercises, you may be ready to progress to doing calf raises. This can be performed by standing on both legs, using a wall or chair for balance, and slowly raising one heel off the ground, then lowering it. Repeat on each leg ten times.

As always, we’re here for you. If your ankle issues persist or worsen, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today so that we can ensure you’re on the path to healthy feet and ankles.